Frequently Asked Questions

What is Adult Day Care?
Adult day services is a professionally managed group setting in which older adults living with dementia come to daily or as needed to receive individualized therapeutic and social programs for some the day.
Can you explain what type of adult day care Van Dyk Memory Care Center provides?
Van Dyk Memory Care Center is a Social Adult Day Care that provides a coordinated program of compassionate services with specific activities and programs for adults with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and dementia in a group setting. Services are designed to provide social programs and meals to adults who need supervised care in a safe place outside the home during the day. Our center creates the feeling of a Bed & Breakfast in a secure care supportive environment.
When to choose Van Dyk Memory Care Center for my loved one?
We at Van Dyk Health Care understand that choosing an adult day memory care center for your loved one is an important decision. Many families like yours are caregivers, spouses, parents and professionals caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s and cognitive impairments. Having a well-deserved break in the day, time to fulfill the commitment of a job, meet with friends, or make appointments without the worry of leaving your loved one home is where Van Dyk Memory Care Center can be of help.
We have put together a short list of questions to reassure you when the time is right in choosing an adult day program.
If you answer “yes” to these questions call Van Dyk Memory Care Center where we are always available for private consultation and introduce you to our program.
- Do you find your loved one would benefit from more socialization?
- Are you experiencing your loved one requires re-direction and more structure?
- Are you finding yourself losing sleep to care for your loved one?
- Is your loved one not ready for Assisted Living or a skilled nursing setting?
Does Insurance pay for Social Day Care?
Van Dyk Memory Care Center is a private pay center.
Who will provide the programs at Van Dyk Memory Care Center?
Our programs are designed by professionals in the assisted living and long-term care industry. Staff are overseen by a Certified Dementia Practitioner.
Do the programs provide respite care for the caregiver?
Yes. Many families bring their family member so that they can have time to attend to urgent business errands, meet with friends, exercise, relax, or even read a book. Caregiver responsibility is a 24 hour task, utilizing the adult day care provides the needed time for taking care of “you”.
How does Adult Day Services differ from a senior center?
People who attend senior centers are usually able to get themselves to and from the center and participate in activities that would be difficult for someone who is frail or has memory impairment. Adult day memory center members enroll because there is a safe and secure environment that provides enriched activity programming designed to meet the individual with dementia along with structure and supervision.
Who is eligible to attend?
Adults who are living with memory loss due to Alzheimer’s and other related dementias or experience a social isolation, or who cannot be left at home alone safely because of the illness.